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Version 0.2
Grenade Launcher.
Missile Launcher, Annabelle.
*Updated* Incinerator textures.
*Updated* Minigun textures.
*Updated* Grenade Rifle textures.
Version 0.1
Incinerator, Heavy Incinerator.
Minigun, CZ57 Avenger.
Grenade Rifle, Thump-Tump, Mercenary's, Red Victory, Great Bear.
Please uninstall the 0.1 version via FOMOD before upgrading to 0.2.
This mod IS now compatible with WMX/WME.
The aim of this project is to create a large weapon retexture pack in a limited timeframe, with only a few hours allocated to each set, and a release every three weapons finished.
As a firm supporter of mods such as EVE and WRP, I then find it immersion breaking to come across vanilla textured weapons in the wasteland. Hopefully, this mod will cover any weapons not covered in mods such as these to create a more cohesive experience.
So far:
Incinerator, Heavy Incinerator.
Minigun, CZ57 Avenger.
Grenade Rifle, Thump-Tump, Mercenary's, Red Victory, Great Bear.
Grenade Launcher.
Missile Launcher, Annabelle.
Extract Data file into your F:NV Main folder, overwrite all files, uninstall old version via FOMOD first.