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Cass's Clean & Wearable Outfit
- This is a stand alone mod for Cass Clean & wearable clothes.
- Cass's cleaner HQ retex of her clothes & hat and makes her outfit playable ,gloves are seperet and adds 3 of eich into a suitcase near General Store Goodsprings.
-I tryed to make her outfit so realistic as possible, Why would a girl wears dirty clothes if she could can have a cleaner version of it but don't change her caracter vieuw to much. And even give other NPC's this outfit. She wears now a black leather jacket with a brown suede hat,brown leather boots,gloves and belt. A new clean jeans with much smaller denim texture. Clean and much better looking recolored blouse.
Open the folder NVCassCleanerXOH and Copy the texture folder to your fnv data folder
( I used the glove nif of the lady Outfit, simple because they are great looking gloves and making these gloves also usable by the Lady Outfit Overhaul i created )
All credits for the great gloves to: Fizz
You can download the original outfit here: Lady outfit for Type3> http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34989